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MCSE是指被证明能够在用Microsoft Windows NT Server 和Microsoft Backoffice服务器产品家庭构建的广泛的计算环境中进行有效地规划、实现、维护和支持信息系统的合格人员。


1、 网络基本架构的实现和管理---以Windows Server2003为例;

2、 网络基本架构的规划和维护---以Windows Server2003为例;

3、活动目录的规划,实现和管理---以Windows Server2003为例;

4、 网络安全的实现和管理---以Windows Server2003为例;

5、 网络安全设计;

6、 网络操作系统管理---以Windows Server2003为例;

7、操作系统的安装,配置和管理---Windows XP专业版的安装,配置和管理.


一、Querying MicrosoftSQL Server 2012

1)Introduction to Microsoft SQL Server 2012

2)Getting Started with SQL Azure

3) Introduction to T-SQL Querying

4)Writing SELECT Queries

5)Querying Multiple Tables

6)Sorting and Filtering Data

7)Working with SQL Server 2012 Data Types

8)Using Built-In Functions

9)Grouping and Aggregating Data

10)Using Subqueries

11)Using Table Expressions

12)Using Set Operators

13)Using Window Ranking, Offset and Aggregate Functions

14)Pivoting and Grouping Sets

15)Querying SQL Server Metadata

16)Executing Stored Procedures

17)Programming with T-SQL

18)Implementing Error Handling

19)Implementing Transactions

20)Improving Query Performance

二、Administering Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Databases

1) Introduction to SQL Server 2012 and its Toolset

2)Preparing Systems for SQL Server 2012

3)Installing and Configuring SQL Server 2012

4)Working with Databases

5)Understanding SQL Server 2012 Recovery Models

6)Backup of SQL Server 2012 Databases

7)Restoring SQL Server 2012 Databases

8)Importing and Exporting Data

9)Authenticating and Authorizing Users

10)Assigning Server and Database Roles

11)Authorizing Users to Access Resources

12)Auditing SQL Server Environments

13)Automating SQL Server 2012 Management

14)Configuring Security for SQL Server Agent

15)Monitoring SQL Server 2012 with Alerts and Notifications

16)Performing Ongoing Database Maintenance

17)Tracing Access to SQL Server 2012

18)Monitoring SQL Server 2012

19)Managing Multiple Servers

20)Troubleshooting Common SQL Server 2012 Administrative Issues

三、Implementing a Data Warehouse with Microsoft SQL Server 2012

1)Introduction to Data Warehousing

2)Data Warehouse Hardware

3)Designing and Implementing a Data Warehouse

4)Creating an ETL Solution with SSIS

5)Implementing Control Flow in an SSIS Package

6)Implementing Control Flow in an SSIS Package

7)Implementing an Incremental ETL Process

8)Incorporating Data from the Cloud into a Data Warehouse

9)Enforcing Data Quality

10)Using Master Data Services

11)Extending SQL Server Integration Services

12)Deploying and Configuring SSIS Packages

13)Consuming Data in a Data Warehouse

四、Developing Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Databases

1)Introduction to SQL Server 2012 and its Toolset

2)Working with Data Types

3) Designing and Implementing Tables

4)Ensuring Data Integrity through Constraints

5)Planning for SQL Server 2012 Indexing

6)Implementing Table Structures in SQL Server 2012

7)Reading SQL Server 2012 Execution Plans

8)Improving Performance through Nonclustered Indexes

9)Designing and Implementing Views

10)Designing and Implementing Stored Procedures

11)Merging Data and Passing Tables

12)Designing and Implementing User-Defined Functions

13)Creating Highly Concurrent SQL Server 2012 Applications

14)Handling Errors in T-SQL Code

15)Responding to Data Manipulation via Triggers

16) Implementing Managed Code in SQL Server 2012

17)Storing XML Data in SQL Server 2012

18)Querying XML Data in SQL Server

19)Working with SQL Server 2012 Spatial Data

20)Working with Full-Text Indexes and Queries

五、Designing Database Solutions for Microsoft SQL Server 2012

1) Designing a Database Server Infrastructure

2)Designing a Logical Database Schema

3)Designing a Physical Database Implementation

4)Incorporating Data Files into Databases

5)Tuning Database Performance

6)Designing Database Security

7)Policy Based Management

8)Monitoring Server Health

9)Designing a Database Backup Solution

10)Automating Multi-Server Maintenance

11)Managing SQL Server with PowerShell

12)Replicating Data

13)Planning High Availability







