My name's Hernan, I'm from Argentina. Buenos Aires is my hometown, the Paris of South America as they called it. I can speak English and Spanish as my own language and I came to China to enjoy the culture and live in the real life with the people of this wonderful country. In the weekend I like to play golf and in my free time I go to practice Karate by the river of Changsha. I like very much the sports and one time I was a world champion of karate in the United States. I like to meet people and different places, and I like very much to listen music. Oh yes, and please remember, I don′t like to smoke.
周老师,德语专业八级,多年德语教学经验,熟悉德国历史文化与风土人情,语法讲解细致耐心,语言风趣幽默,通俗易懂。 Das Deutschlernen macht mir viel Spaβ. Ich glaube, mit mir wird es Ihnen auch so.
刘老师,留学西班牙回国后一直从事西班牙语的教学培训工作,有着丰富的西语教学经验,熟悉西班牙的历史文化和风土 人情,授课语言生动,具有亲和力,语法讲解细致耐心,通俗易懂,让您轻轻松松的学好西班牙语。La profesora Liu: después de estudiar en Espa?a se ha dedicado a la educación del espa?ol en China, y tiene una riqueza de la experiencia de la ense?anza de idiomas, conoce la historia, la cultura y las costumbres espa?olas, es muy amable y paciente, a través de sus explicaciones gramaticales detalladas, es muy fácil para usted aprender bien espa?ol.